Dental Health Mette Kontunen  

Top 5 Reasons to Choose Dentures Over Dental Implants

Dentures can offer you peace of mind and improved comfort of your bite. But the advantages don’t stop there. You can get implant dentures in one day; can you believe it? Yes, you can. Plus, you’ll be able to sleep through the night without the fear of losing a tooth. 

Here are five more reasons to choose dentures over dental implants.

  • Cost-effective

Dentures cost less than dental implants. Implants require a surgical procedure, which includes anesthesia and any complications that might arise. If you’re looking for an affordable solution, dentures are the way to go. 

When you get permanent teeth removed, getting dental implants can be a lengthy process because of the wait time for a surgical procedure. However, by opting for dentures, you can avoid dental surgery altogether.

  • Removable

Dentures are removable, which means you can take them out at night or whenever you want. At the same time, dental implants are not designed to be removed because when they’re placed in the mouth, they fuse with surrounding bone and cement. Removable dentures are more comfortable than dental implants, too.

  • More convenient

Dentures are easier to remove than dental implants. Sometimes, it’s hard for people to get used to having implants in their mouths. They’re worried about taking them out and about because doing so can cause damage. 

Dentures are not anchored in the mouth, so you can take them out whenever you like, including during meals, when you talk, or while relaxing after a long day at work.

  • Easy maintenance

Dentures are easy to take care of. To clean dentures, all you have to do is brush. You can clean them with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a cleaning solution. Unlike dental implants, you don’t have to visit a dentist for regular cleanings. So, you don’t have to go through the hassles of paying and receiving a checkup every three months, which can be time-consuming.

  • More flexibility

Dentures are a lot more flexible than dental implants because they are removable. That means you can eat and drink what you want because there’s no fear of your dentures getting damaged. If you have dental implants, you’ll have to eat soft foods and avoid certain drinks. Plus, with dentures, you can talk and laugh without feeling uncomfortable. And best of all, if problems do occur, they’re easier to fix than dental implants.