Health Maarit Hoikkala  

The ultimate guide to fixing a non-working Vape pen and solutions

Vaping has become a popular alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes, and Vape pens have become the go-to option for many people. However, one of the common problems faced by vapers is when their Vape pen stops working after a full charge. It can be a frustrating experience, especially if you are in the middle of a vaping session and have no backup device.

Common reasons why Vape pens stop working after a full charge?

There could be several reasons why is vape pen not working after charge, and some of the most common ones include:

Battery issues: Over time, the battery of your Vape pen can start to deteriorate, leading to reduced performance and even failure. This is particularly true if you frequently charge and discharge your device.

Resistance issues: If the resistance of your atomizer is too high, it could cause your vape pen to stop working. This can occur if the atomizer is not properly seated on the battery or if the device is not compatible with the atomizer you are using.

E-liquid issues: If the e-liquid you are using is too thick, it can clog the atomizer and cause your vape pen to stop working. Additionally, if the e-liquid is not compatible with the device, it can cause performance issues.

Power button problems: In some cases, the power button of your Vape pen may not be functioning properly, which can prevent the device from working.

Solutions to fix a non-working Vape pen after a full charge

Fortunately, most of the issues that cause a Vape pen to stop working after a full charge can be fixed relatively easily. Here are some of the most effective solutions:

Charge the device properly: Make sure you are using the right charger for your Vape pen and that you are charging it for the recommended amount of time.

Check the battery: Make sure you are using a high-quality battery that’s compatible with your device.

Check the e-liquid: If you are experiencing performance issues, try switching to a different type of e-liquid.

Get professional help: Take your device to a specialist who can diagnose and fix the issue.


There are several reasons why is vape pen not working after charge that include battery issues, resistance problems, e-liquid issues, and power button problems. However, most of these issues can be fixed relatively easily by properly charging the device, checking the battery, cleaning the atomizer, checking the e-liquid, or seeking professional help. So, if your Vape pen is not working after a full charge, don’t panic! Try these solutions, and you’ll be back to vaping in no time.