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What Does a BlueChew Review Reveal About the Company?

A BlueChew review will have plenty to say about what men can expect from the company. Members delve into everything from how they’re treated when they call customer service to why they signed up for the service to begin with. If you’re interested in what this service does and why, BlueChew reviews look at the facts.

What Does BlueChew Do?

If you look at BlueChew reviews, they show that the company addresses an exceptionally common medical condition. Millions of men will face erectile dysfunction (ED) at some point in their lives, and the odds only increase as they age. This company smooths out the process for any person who wants to get the spring back in their step.

How Does BlueChew Work to Help Men with ED?

What is BlueChew? It is a telemedicine service that connects men to licensed medical professionals online. Instead of having to drive to their local doctor, they can fill out a profile online and then set up a virtual consultation with a licensed professional. If they’re approved, they can choose a plan for either Sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra, or Tadalafil, the active ingredient in Cialis. These prescriptions come in the mail for another layer of convenience.

Are Tadalafil and Sildenafil the Same Medication?

No. These are two distinct prescriptions that have their own dosages and recommendations. Sildenafil can remain in the body for up to 6 hours, but Tadalafil can stay for up to 36 hours. Members can talk to a licensed medical professional (available through BlueChew) to find out which one would be a better fit for them.

There are some similarities between the two though. For one, they’re both effective ways to treat ED. For another, they’re both available in chewable tablet form.  BlueChew pills don’t exist. So instead of having to swallow pills again and again, men have an easy way to ingest the prescription they need to address this common condition.

What Do BlueChew Reviews Have to Say About Privacy?

Many men will sign up for BlueChew because they want their information to remain private. As much as healthcare providers aren’t meant to share information, it’s difficult to be anonymous if you live in a small town or happen to have known your doctor or pharmacist for 30 years.

The company is dedicated to keeping people’s information from leaking to anyone who doesn’t need to know. Men also appreciate that they can set up a virtual consultation with a professional who doesn’t have any history with them. From the licensed medical professionals to the pharmacists, BlueChew partners with professionals who prioritize privacy as well.

Finally, the delivered tablets are wrapped in discreet packaging, making them indistinguishable from any other type of mail that a member might receive.

Are Tablets Safe to Take?

All tablets distributed by BlueChew are made in the USA and have been subjected to any number of checks and balances. These tablets take the place of BlueChew pills, which do not exist. However, not all men will be able to take these tablets, as ED medication is not always recommended for those with conditions like diabetes or heart disease. If men aren’t eligible for the service, a licensed medical professional can tell them more about why this is and what (if anything) can be done to change it.

Can Men in All States Sign Up with BlueChew?

Because telemedicine laws are largely determined at the state level, BlueChew is not available in South Carolina or North Dakota. If men do want to sign up in these states though, they can register to be notified through the company website.

ED isn’t always an easy condition to discuss and that hesitation can have a big impact on how men interact with the people in their life. Improving relationships starts with feeling your best, which is exactly what the right treatment can help you do.

A BlueChew review will often focus on the intangible effects of what it means to take action in your life and how it feels to have something reliable that you can count on. You might also see members praise the ongoing promotions that the company offers, making it even more affordable to sign up for the service.