Health Janette Aho  

Why Should You Consider Composite Fillings?

Your teeth are one of the most important parts of your body, which is why it’s so important to take care of them. One way to do that is by getting a composite filling. Composite fillings are tooth-colored fillings that can be used to repair a cavity. They are more expensive than amalgam and silver fillings, but they are stronger and last longer. You can consult a dentist in Powell, TN, for more information on composite fillings.

Composite fillings come in a variety of colors and can match the color of your tooth. These fillings can be made to look like natural teeth. The color of natural teeth is determined by the pigments in your tooth, which are genetics. With composite fillings, you have control over the color of your tooth. Composite fillings are also very durable and can last for many years unless the decay underneath them is causing them to crumble or fall out.

Let us here look into the main reasons for getting composite fillings.

  • Chipped teeth

Sometimes, your tooth may chip. Composite fillings are a good option to fix chips because they are made of strong material and can withstand chipping. Silver fillings can chip or peel off, making it uncomfortable for you to chew as well as look unsightly.

  • Closing space between two teeth

When you have a missing tooth that you have restored with fillings, it may be difficult to chew on your front teeth. Sometimes, it is more difficult to eat food with space between two teeth. However, composite fillings can fix this by filling up the space.

  • Repair cracked or broken teeth

Cracks or fractures may appear in your teeth when you have a serious accident. The cracks may be difficult to deal with when you want to chew on certain foods, as well as look unsightly. A composite filling will allow your tooth to function as normal and look nice as well.

  • Decayed teeth

It is not rare for teeth to decay. There are times when your tooth may become decayed and need to be restored with composite fillings. A composite filling will support the tooth and give it strength. This strength will prevent the decay from spreading to other teeth or affecting the oral health of your mouth.

  • Worn teeth

Over time, your tooth may become worn. This may be due to constant chewing on certain foods. A composite filling will allow you to replace worn-out teeth and maintain your overall oral health.