Dental Clare Louise  

When To Consider A Complete Smile Makeover?

The phrase “smile makeover” is associated with extensive dental treatments, but getting a brand-new smile does not have to be so complicated. A cosmetic dentist can assess your dental health and offer the best-customized treatment plan. The process does not necessarily have to be dramatic, but the results will be! 

Smile makeovers are financially better because you can get various treatments under one plan, making the process more cost-effective and time effective. If you suffer from more than one aesthetic dental problem that ruins your smile, consult with a Dedham, MA cosmetic dentistry to explore your options. 

Times you should consider a complete smile makeover 

  • You want better oral and overall health. 

While most people believe that a smile makeover only affects your appearance and does not offer any health benefits, the reality is different. When you have crooked, chipped, cracked, and misaligned teeth, you are more likely to experience decay and gum disease. On the other hand, teeth and gums are healthier when they are aligned perfectly. 

  • You want improved confidence. 

Perhaps the most noticeable difference in getting a smile makeover is your self-confidence. Some people may be concerned about their gummy smile, crooked teeth, yellowing teeth, a misaligned bite, etc., and want to change it. A smile makeover is a great opportunity to do that. An appealing smile not only makes you more confident and invites professional opportunities. After all, everyone loves a confident face and personality. 

  • You want to improve the quality of your life. 

Everyone wants to look beautiful. When someone is conscious about their appearance, they may avoid going out in public, or even when they do go, they may try not to do anything that might attract people’s attention to them. Being underconfident or insecure about your appearance can significantly ruin the quality of your life and make you lose opportunities. 

Being insecure can also result in severe mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, etc. On the contrary, being happy with yourself releases serotonin and dopamine in your brain, also called happy hormones. 

  • You want fast results. 

A smile makeover may contain several procedures, but unless you require surgery, all of them can be done quickly with little to no downtime. In some cases, a smile makeover does not even require a second visit to the dentist’s office. Therefore, you can achieve your ideal smile without canceling other plans or taking off work or school.