Health Maarit Hoikkala  

What is a methylated multivitamin, and what is it good for?

Taking vitamins is crucial to maintaining body condition well and may help you live a diseases-free life. Many people neglect them because your body need it in trace amounts. Their presence compels the body to kick off distinct functions of the body. Thus, it’s necessary to deliver all vitamins to your body; if you want to work productively and live happily.

What is a methylated multivitamin?

The methylated multivitamin is, also known as methylated B vitamins, means vitamins which carry a methyl group (CH3), a molecule having one carbon, which bonds with three hydrogen atoms. The active forms of many vitamins are methylated. The word methylated becomes a buzzword among health-conscious people, while supplements containing the methylated active forms of B-vitamins are introduced.

Familiar methylated forms of nutrients or vitamins are;

  • S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe, primary source of methyl group)
  • L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate, or L-methylfolate (active folate form)
  • Methylcobalamin (vitamin b12 active form)
  • Inositol
  • Choline
  • Phosphatidylcholine
  • Trimethylglycine (Betaine)
  • Pyridoxal 5-phosphate

These are the important nutrients that are methylated and help to continue the methylation cycle in the human body.

What is methylated multivitamin good for?

Methylated vitamins are active forms of various b-complex vitamins. They help the methylation process; it is a powerful biological mechanism that ensures the proper functioning of your body. Methylated vitamins exhibit unusual properties, which benefit you in many ways.

Methylated multivitamin does matter for methylation

These vitamins provide a methyl group for methylation, known as a methyl donors. The body’s universal methyl donor is S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), generated from methylated B vitamins, methylfolate, and methylcobalamin. Folate (methylfolate) and vitamin b12 (methylcobalamin) convert homocysteine into methionine with the aid of enzymes.

During this conversion, S-adenosylmethionine is produced. It grants its methyl group to numerous molecules and tissues to the whole body, known as the methylation pathway. Have you noticed methylated vitamins methylfolate and methylcobalamin are initiators of the methylation pathway. Likewise, their deficiency retards the methylation pathway.

You know methylation switches areturned off or on process of your body, which happens continuously, and activates thousands of chemicals that workout for your body. DNA methylation is a gene on and off process which activates or deactivates genes to express.

When your methylation process is slow due to the dearth of a methyl group, it generates many health issues in your body.

MTHFR gene mutation affects methylation

Methylfolate 15mg is the active form produced from folate. While you’re eating food that contains nutrients, your digestive system separates every vitamin, also folate. Then body converts folate into active form methyl folate that contributes to methylation in the presence of the MTHFR enzyme.

But a problem arises, more than 60% of people are muted with the MTHFR gene in the USA. These people cannot make MTHFR enzymes because genes are defective, and enzymes show less activity.

Luckily, methylated multivitamin supplements are sold in the market that contains the active form of vitamins, like methylcobalamin, methylfolate, etc. Ask the qualified healthcare that prescribed you methylated-support supplements.


Methylated multivitamin represents the active forms of B-complex vitamins that attached to the methyl group. A methyl group is the main component of the methylation process; it activates and deactivates the chemicals according to body needs. The shortage of methylated vitamins induces a slow methylation process. However, methylated multivitamin supplements are sold over the counter and prescribed to replenish methylated vitamin deficiency.
