Dental Maarit Hoikkala  

Tips to Extend the Results of Teeth Whitening 

When your teeth first grow, they are white, thanks to the exterior coating of enamel. It is the enamel that makes your teeth appear white as well as makes them strong. However, as you grow older, your teeth start to appear yellow for two reasons: the older you get, the more your enamel thins. Secondly, your enamel may get stained because of your diet.

If you have received teeth whitening treatment recently, do not assume your responsibility towards your teeth is complete. After teeth whitening, you must practice dental care to ensure the results last for a long time. After all, you do not want your investment to go to waste. Speak to a Northeast Philadelphia dentist for teeth whitening today. 

Tips to extend the results of teeth whitening 

  • Avoiding consuming foods and drinks that stain your teeth. 

If you visit your dentist regularly, they may have told you to lay off the foods and drinks with high pigmentation and staining ability, such as tea, coffee, wine, etc. These stains do not go easily, and one must brush their teeth properly after consuming these items. Still, if you have undergone teeth whitening treatment and wish to retain the results for a long time, you should avoid consuming certain food items. 

  • Quit smoking. 

Tobacco does not color your teeth in one day, but it eventually does if you keep up the habit for years. Once your teeth become stained from smoking, there is no going back. You won’t be able to get back your naturally white teeth without dental treatments. Smoking causes a yellow to orange build-up, and these are more stubborn than food stains. 

  • Use straws and milk. 

If you drink tea or coffee in the morning to help you wake up, you may try adding milk to your beverage to avoid staining. If you love other stain-causing drinks like soft drinks or iced tea, it is recommended to use a straw because it limits the drink’s contact with your teeth. 

  • Drink plenty of water. 

Drink at least eight glasses of water every day and keep drinking at small intervals throughout the day. Not only does drinking water keep you hydrated and keep your overall health well, but it also prevents staining of your teeth. Water washes away any food particles lingering in your mouth and bacteria that produce stains. 

  • Schedule touch-up appointments. 

You may need to get teeth whitening touch-ups to maintain your whitening results. The best way to do this is to visit your dentist every six months for a regular check-up and get these touch-ups done.