Health Taneli Salo  

Substance Abuse and Mental Abuse and Their Dual Diagnosis

When you have both substance abuse and a mental issue like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, it is then termed as a dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorder. Dealing with substance abuse and health abuse, alcoholism and drug addiction is not easy and it becomes more difficult when you are dealing with a mental issue.

Mental health abuse and substance health abuse problems are quite common than people realize. According to research –

  • Substance abuse has affected 50% of individuals with a severe mental disorder.
  • 29% of people diagnosed with the mental issue are alcohol or drug abused.

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Recognize dual diagnosis

It is hard to identify a dual diagnosis. It takes time to guess what a mental health disorder can be and what could be the problem with drugs or alcohol. The symptoms and signs all depend on the mental health and the type of substance being abused.

The general warning signs when you have a co-occurring diagnosis

  • Consuming alcohol to get rid of stress or unpleasant memories, to control emotions or mood, to control situations you are scared for.
  • Do you get anxious or depressed when you drink? Notice the relationship between substance abuse and mental health.
  • Has anyone in your family faced mental disorders or alcohol and drug abuse?
  • Feeling anxious, depressed or out of balance even if you are sober?

Symptoms and signs of substance abuse

Having substance abuse depends on how your consumption of alcohol or any sort of drug affects your life and relationships. If your drinks and usage of drugs cause a problem in your life and surrounding then you have a substance abuse problem. It does depend on what drugs you use or how much alcohol you have.

The treatments of co-occurring disorders are integrated approaches, where both mental disorders and substance abuse problems are treated together. No matter what was affected first mental health or substance abuse problems long-term medication depends on treating both with the same team.

Treatment depends on specific issues

  • Treatment for your mental health problem includes medication, counseling, self-help measures, peer support and a change in lifestyle.
  • Medication for substance abuse includes detoxification, behavioral therapy and sobriety maintenance with help of a support group.

Ways to help yourself in dual diagnosis

When you go for professional treatment, there are a number of things you can do for self-help. Stopping alcohol and getting sober is just the first step. Having a sustained recovery treatment should include your coping healthy learning strategies and ability to make better decisions in hard times.

  • Learn to handle stress and emotions
  • Learn to face unpleasant feelings
  • Know what effect’s you and have a plan
  • Prioritize your family and friends
  • Follow doctor’s instruction
  • Meet a therapist or be a part of a support group
  • Get a healthy lifestyle
  • Find things to make your life interesting

You may feel ashamed or scared of being treated as weak if you admit you have a problem but substance abuse and mental health abuse can happen to anyone. In the road of recovery admitting and seeking help is the first and important step you can take.