Dental Health Janette Aho  

Restore Your Stunning Smile With Veneers

If you don’t like your chipped, cracked, or discolored teeth resistant to teeth whitening procedures, you may need to consider veneers. These prostheses conceal your cosmetic concerns, restoring your stunning smile. If you desire to improve the appearance of your front teeth, Laguna Beach veneers at Laguna Beach Dental Excellence should be your ultimate choice.

How veneers enhance your smile

Veneers are cosmetic dental devices that your doctor bonds to the front of your teeth to cover cosmetic imperfections such as breakage and stains. Laguna Beach Dental Excellence uses high-quality dental materials such as tooth-colored porcelain or composite. The team customizes these prostheses to fit perfectly over your teeth and blend in with the natural pearly whites. Veneers are perfect for your front teeth, but if you need your molars covered, you may need to consider dental crowns. These devices look and function like your natural teeth, making it difficult for people to tell them apart. You can also smile widely, and no one will know that you have a cosmetic prosthesis in your mouth.

Several reasons may arouse your interest in veneers. During your initial appointment at the practice, the specialists thoroughly examine your gums and teeth to ensure that you do not need treatment for oral diseases like gum disease. Veneers cover short or small teeth, misshapen teeth, worn-down teeth, large gaps, and discoloration, giving you a stunning smile. If you have tooth discoloration, consult the Laguna Beach Dental Excellence providers about LED teeth whitening procedures. However, they may recommend veneers if your stains are due to excessive fluoride, root canal treatments, or other causes that may not respond to teeth whitening.

What to expect when getting veneers

During your first appointment, your provider may prepare your teeth by removing some parts of your enamel. The team may then take digital images of your teeth to develop your custom veneers, but you don’t need dental impressions if you are getting composite veneers. You may go home with temporary veneers until the custom-made ones are ready. During your second appointment, your provider evaluates the color and shape of your veneers before fitting them. The team then checks your bite and makes the necessary adjustments. There is no downtime for the veneer placement process, meaning you can embark on your daily activities immediately after the procedure.

How to care for your veneers

To ensure the durability of your veneers and to prevent the development of dental issues such as cavities, you need to follow a strict dental hygiene routine, including flossing, brushing, and going for your routine dental visits. Your doctor may recommend using non-abrasive fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush. Biting directly into crunchy or hard foods like tough meat, sugarcane and carrots may damage your veneers. You may have to consider cutting such foods into smaller pieces that you can chew with your molars. Although porcelain veneers are stain-resistant, it is advisable to avoid dark-colored beverages and foods like coffee, tea, and berries as they discolor these prostheses over time.

To explore the benefits of veneers, call Dr. Fazeli or use the online booking button to create an appointment.