Dental Mette Kontunen  

Is My TMJ Serious Enough to Consult a Dentist?

TMJ is a common condition that affects the joint connecting your jawbone to your skull. While TMJ can often be managed with self-care measures, there are times when it is important to consult a doctor. Many people who suffer from TMJ do not realize the importance of consulting a doctor before it is too late. 

Therefore, we highly recommend consulting a Los Gatos TMJ dentist if you notice the signs below. 

  • You are having difficulty opening your mouth.

If you are having difficulty opening your mouth, this could indicate that your TMJ symptoms are severe. You may also feel like your jaw is stuck or locked, which can be uncomfortable and impact your daily activities.

  • You are experiencing severe pain.

If you experience severe or worsening pain in your jaw, face, or neck, it is essential to seek medical attention. This could indicate that your TMJ symptoms are worsening or that an underlying condition needs to be addressed.

  • Changes in your bite

If you notice changes in how your teeth fit together, this could be a sign of TMJ. This is because the joint connecting your jawbone to your skull controls your bite. If there is an issue with your TMJ, it can cause your bite to change, leading to discomfort or pain.

  • Jaw clicking or popping that is accompanied by pain

Jaw clicking or popping is a common symptom of TMJ, but if it is accompanied by pain, this may indicate an issue that needs to be addressed. Painful clicking or popping can indicate a displaced disc in your TMJ, which can cause more severe symptoms if left untreated.

Additional symptoms

If you experience other symptoms, such as headaches, earaches, or ringing in your ears, this could indicate that your TMJ symptoms are more severe. These symptoms can be caused by TMJ-related muscle tension or nerve irritation, and it is vital to seek medical attention to address these issues.

If your TMJ symptoms impact your daily activities or cause significant discomfort, it is crucial to seek medical attention. A doctor or dentist can evaluate your symptoms and recommend appropriate treatment options, including self-care measures, medications, physical therapy, or surgery.

While many cases of TMJ can be managed with self-care measures, there are times when it is vital to seek medical attention. Suppose you experience severe or worsening pain, difficulty opening your mouth, painful clicking or popping, changes in your bite, or other symptoms. In that case, it is essential to consult a doctor or dentist. With the proper treatment, you can manage your TMJ symptoms and improve your quality of life.