Health Janette Aho  

Different Types of Alcohol Related Diseases and Its Early Symptoms

Liver is an important organ right besides brain, heart and lungs, but often people overlook it. Liver is located at upper right side of abdomen and is responsible for performing around five hundred different tasks like breaking down toxic substance, storing nutrients, producing bile also making protein, which helps in blood clotting. 

The liver can be damaged due to consumption of various substances, although liver tissues have ability to regenerate but continuous damage can result into building of scar tissue. The growing of scar tissue will replace the healthy tissues impairing liver to perform its vital functions.

Liver damage is commonly caused by consumption of alcohol. Detox to Rehab can help you get over alcohol addiction. They are a progressive and supportive community that is ready to help you in your journey to sobriety. They can even help in finding out early symptoms of liver damage from alcohol

There may be no symptoms for alcohol-related liver disease, but if they are present they will be fatigue, liver swelling (experiencing discomfort on upper side of abdomen), losing appetite, unexplained weight loss, vomiting & queasiness. 

The types of alcohol-related liver diseases:

Hepatic Steatosis – 

This disease occurs when there is accumulation of fat within liver. It is highly common for heavy drinkers. It can be reversed by refraining from drinking alcohol for several weeks or even lifetime.  

Alcoholic Hepatitis – 

The inflammation in liver will increase if heavy drinking is continued. Mild alcoholic hepatitis can develop over years and severe alcoholic hepatitis can happen suddenly due to binge drinking and it can be life threatening. This condition can be reversed by abstaining from alcohol for life and with the help of medication.

Alcoholic Cirrhosis – 

When the scar tissues formed by continuous excessive drinking replace the healthy tissues it develops alcoholic cirrhosis. This condition cannot be reversed further damage can be avoided and in severe case liver transplant will become necessary. 

To avoid suffering from these diseases and to improve liver health alcohol should be consumed in moderate amount, eating healthy diet, exercising, managing weight and having regular checkup.