Dental Janette Aho  

Dietary Advice for Healthy Children and Their Teeth

A balanced and nutritious diet is essential for your child’s growth and development. They perform well in their studies and feel good about their bodies due to their excellent nutrition. However, children will continue to be children, and healthy eating may be the last item on their minds. A dentist in Waikiki, Honolulu can help you best manage your children’s teeth.

Here are a few dietary tips to help you stay on track.

  • Fruits and Veggies should be Served.

Raw fruits and vegetables can help us maintain a healthy dentition. They are crunchy and function as soft toothbrushes to remove food and bacteria from our teeth following a meal. Chewing additionally boosts saliva production, which aids in the removal of food particles and bacteria. And the nutrients and antioxidants are beneficial to the organism as a whole.

  • Daily Provision of Dairy

Yogurt, cheese, and milk are dairy products that contain calcium. Calcium is the primary mineral that composes our teeth and jawbones and aids in the proper functioning of our heart, muscles, and nerves. If your child dislikes dairy or has a dairy allergy, dark leafy vegetables and calcium-enriched foods such as orange juice are excellent alternatives.

  • Select Healthy Snacks

Sticky and chewy treats can increase your child’s tooth decay risk. Due to their stickiness, they are harmful to the dentition. Small particles become trapped in the grooves and cavities of the teeth, making it more difficult for saliva to remove them. In addition, your child will be too full to consume the healthy and nutritious dinner you have prepared because of these snacks. Choose fruits, vegetables, and cheese as nutritious snacks.

  • Reduce the Consumption of Juice, Soda, and Sports Drinks

Children consuming excessive amounts of carbonated beverages and juice are likelier to be obese. They contain abundant sugars and acids, which are harmful to the teeth and can lead to dental decay.

Nearly two-thirds of sugar is present in sports beverages, as in soda. The extra calories may cause weight issues, and the extra sugar may cause dental problems. Learn more about the negative effects of sports drinks on children’s teeth.

  • Select Sugar-Free Gum and Sweets Containing Xylitol

It is acceptable to indulge occasionally. The majority of sugar-free candies and gum incorporate xylitol. This sweetener is derived from the fibrous portions of plants that do not degrade like sugar and help maintain a neutral pH in the mouth. It prevents microorganisms from adhering to teeth, thereby preventing tooth decay. Due to the inability of bacteria in the mouth responsible for cavities to digest xylitol, their development is drastically reduced.