Health Janette Aho  

Colon Cancer Screening: The Best Options Available

Colonoscopy screening is considered a crucial part of any health care routine. If your doctor recommends colon cancer screening, there are several tests to choose from including colonoscopy screening. For those who are reluctant to get the tests, it is important to realize that detecting the problem early can save your life.

Screening tests are recommended for those who don’t have any symptoms. Those who have signs and symptoms, other tests might be recommended to also address those. Some of the most common symptoms include constipation, bleeding, diarrhea, change in bowel habits.

Best Options for Colon Cancer Screening

Below are some of the best colon cancer screening test available:


During this procedure, a flexible and long tube called a colonoscope is inserted into the patient’s rectum. A tiny video camera at the tip of the colonoscope helps doctors see abnormalities or changes inside the entire colon. 

The procedure will take around 30 minutes to an hour. Generally, if no abnormalities are found and you have no increased risk for colon cancer, it is recommended that colonoscopies are repeated every ten years. 

Colonoscopy Benefits

Below are some of the benefits of colonoscopy:

  • It is considered one of the most sensitive tests available nowadays for the screening of colon cancer
  • The procedure allows doctors to view the rectum and the entire colon
  • Any abnormal tissues like polyps can be removed during the procedure
  • Tissue samples for biopsy can also be removed during colonoscopy

Stool DNA Test

This procedure will use a stool sample to detect any DNA changes in the cells that indicate precancerous conditions or the presence of colon cancer. This test is also done to look for signs of blood in the stool. For the Stool DNA Test, a small stool sample is collected and sent to the laboratory to be tested. Ideally, Stool DNA Test should be repeated every three years. 

Stool DNA Test Benefits

Below are some of the benefits of a Stool DNA Test:

  • The test won’t involve preparation of the bowel, scope insertion, or sedation
  • Patients can still eat and drink normally and take their usual medications prior to the test
  • Since the stool can be collected at home, work and other activities won’t be interrupted

Fecal Immunochemical Test or Fecal Occult Blood Test

Fecal immunochemical test (FIT) and fecal occult blood test (FOBT) are tests that are used to check for occult or hidden blood. This type of test is recommended to be treated annually. 

Fecal Immunochemical Test and Fecal Occult Blood Test Benefits

  • Stool sample collected can be done at home
  • No sedation is required
  • There is no need to empty the colon before the procedure

CT Colonography or Virtual Colonoscopy

During this procedure, a CT scan will produce cross-sectional images of the patient’s abdominal organs. This would allow the doctors to see and detect any abnormalities or changes in the rectum and colon. A small tube that is placed inside the rectum will be used to fill the colon with carbon dioxide or air. 

This is done to ensure the images produced are clear. The procedure will only take around 10 minutes. It is recommended that this procedure is repeated once every five years.

Benefits of Virtual Colonoscopy

Unlike conventional colonoscopy, virtual colonoscopy won’t require the insertion of scope or sedation.

Which Option is Right for You?

Choosing the most suitable cancer screening test is not always an easy decision. Fortunately, this is something your doctor can help you with. Ask for recommendations from your doctor so they can provide some insights into the best cancer screening test for your case.