Health Clare Louise  

Bunion Surgery Should be the Last Resort After These Remedies are Ineffective

Bunions are lumps outside the foot on the big toe. It causes pain in the joints of the big toe. This pain interferes with daily activities like walking, running, dancing, standing, etc. You can’t put pressure on your feet, which causes extreme pain and sometimes inflammation. Surgery helps to get rid of that lump and it also decreases pain.

A bunion is a skeletal bump at the base of the big toe. It combines with the first metatarsal, which is a foot bone. The toe will bend towards the second toe of the feet if you have a bunion. There are many types of surgeries involved in the removal of a bunion.

Symptoms of Bunion

  • A firm bumps on the outside of the big toe at the side of the joint.
  • Redness, pain, and swelling
  • Due to overlap of the big toe with the adjacent toe, you may suffer from corn, fungal infection due to sweat, itching, etc.
  • Interruption in daily activities.

During the surgery, an incision is on the top or side of the big toe to remove extra bone or tissue. It is done to bring back the original alignment of the joint. 85%-90% of patients have got relief from pain after undergoing surgery to remove a bunion.

If you’re searching for a podiatrist in Irvine, Orange County, CA, then check with the Podiatry Clinic in Irvine. They also have other offices in Laguna Hills, Tustin, other parts of Orange County, and Mission Viejo. The podiatry clinic in Irvine focuses on treatments and surgery of bunion, joints, ankles, wounds, hammertoes, laser fungal nails, diabetic shoes and foot care, sports injuries, neuroma, etc. For them, surgery is the last source for any problem, before that, they try to treat the problem with other remedies and medications.

Most adults from 18-65 years of age suffer from bunion problems. It is painful and inconvenient. It can get worst if proper care and treatment are not given. Generally, bunion surgery is the only way of treating and getting rid of it. However, this is considered an extreme case when the pain is unbearable and the patient is unable to do any activity.

Alternatives to Bunion Surgery

There are some measures that a bunion sufferer can take –

  • Wearing properly fitting shoes with low and comfortable heels can give relief from bunion pain. Comfortable shoes give plenty of space to your feet and toes to relax and spread.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight puts less pressure on the joints. This reduces pain and the chances of a bunion.
  • You can buy a gel-filled pad or moleskin from a pharmacy and cover the bunion with it.
  • You can use an orthopedic prescribed device or any shoe insert to place your feet correctly inside the shoe.
  • Consult with a doctor and get a splint that you can wear at night before sleeping to hold your toes straight. It helps to avoid any discomfort.
  • You can also take anti-inflammatory or pain-relieving pills. However, they should be taken under prescription.
  • Use a warm towel and ice pack to massage the area. The warm and cool effect gives tremendous relief from pain.

Surgery should be the lasts option when the pain becomes unbearable. If you follow all these measures from the beginning you can avoid surgery for a long time.