Health Mette Kontunen  

Rehydrating Dry Marijuana: Simple Ways to Do It

Sometimes marijuana can become too dry. It can happen because the grower left it hanging for too long, or maybe you moved it from a moist place to a dry one. Whatever the reason, if your weed is too dry, don’t worry! There are things you can try to add moisture back in. Here are some easy tips:

  1. Use a Wet Cotton Ball: Wet a cotton ball, put it in tin foil, and poke holes in the foil. Then, place it in a jar with your dry weed for a couple of hours. This should help bring moisture back to your buds. Do have a look at same day weed delivery north york
  1. Try Fresh Orange Peels: Put your dry cannabis in a jar with a few fresh orange peels. Shake the jar or rearrange the peels and nugs every four hours to spread moisture evenly. But be careful not to use too many peels, or you might add too much moisture.
  1. Use a Damp Paper Towel: Dampen a paper towel, but don’t soak it too much to avoid creating moisture problems or mold.
  1. Use Lemon Peels: Peel the outer layer of a lemon and stick it in a jar overnight. A couple of strips should do. Remove the peels in the morning to prevent mold. Keep opening the jars regularly to let out the lemon smell.
  1. Add a Fresh Bud from a Live Plant: Take a fresh small bud from a live weed plant. Monitor it and remove it from the jar once it reaches the desired moisture level, or replace it if it dries out.
  1. Place it with White Bread: Put your dry weed in a bag with a slice of white bread overnight. This can bring back just the right amount of moisture.
  1. Use Lettuce: Put your dry weed in a bag with a piece of lettuce. Start with about three hours, and it should work well without affecting the flavor.
  1. Try Using an Apple: Unlike citrus fruits, apples don’t contain aromatic oils or yeast that could cause mold. Leave it in the bag with your dry weed to add moisture.

Adding moisture to good weed is easy if you find the right method. The internet has many tricks, but the ones mentioned above worked best for me. The key is to find something moist, put it in a closed container with the dry weed, and let it sit. Check back to ensure it’s not getting too moist or growing mold. Some moist things work better than others. My favorite is ‘iceberg’ lettuce because it doesn’t smell strong, unlike orange peels, which can make the weed smell artificial. Use a thick piece of lettuce near the base for the most moisture.